Friday, May 18, 2012

The Uncertain Future

Over the past year, my witch and I have established a routine.  It is as constant as the moon.
Cancel that.  One thing I’ve learned through my magical observations is that the moon is always changing. 
So, okay… our routine is as constant as the sun. 
Wait a minute… the sun seems to shift and vary also.  It has to do with what my witch calls “Seasons”.
Okay, how about the stars?  Hmmm, no….  my witch has me studying this thing called “Astrology” and apparently the stars are changing in the sky every few minutes!
Good Gods! Does EVERYTHING in the universe go through Changes?
Apparently so!    Even the simple things in Life that, at first, seem certain, reassuring and constant….like my witch’s and my daily routine.
This afternoon, when I came in from playing - promptly at 4pm I might add, as per our arrangement - my witch, for the first time, did NOT offer me tuna with all its delicious juices as she has every day since I was a kitten.   Instead, she dumped canned catfood in my bowl .
I’m not sure that I can face Tomorrow now with all its terrible uncertainties!


  1. LOL....the only things that are truly certain, dear Grimalkin, are death and taxes, and you sir, will never have to face taxes!

    1. I have 9 lives... Taxes sound much scarier than death!

  2. Well, Grimalkin, I can't help but notice you seem to be licking the can! Mayhaps there will be canned shrimp next.

  3. I could face canned food easier than the 4 kittens that were brought into my house... love, Wisteria of Comfrey Cottages xx

  4. Perhaps salmon is next on the menu?

    1. Salmon would be nice! I shall certainly pass along your suggestion...

  5. Hello Grimalkin, I Have been a fan of yours for a short tie but have undertaken the task of reading your blog/diary from front to back, and will be sure to relay it's wisdom to my own feline companions, i congratulate you on your efforts, and look forward to reading about more of your adventures, merry meet and blessed be!


  6. Cute and true I really enjoyed that


  7. Grimalkin, your story of uncertainty reminded me of a very old saying about the Goddess: "She changes everything she touches, and everything She touches changes." So don't be worried by uncertainties little one, it just means that Goddess has noticed!

  8. Poor Grimalkin that the hard about life..growing up.
    Remember as you get older you appreciate the kid stuff better.
    Just look at all us humans playing in the toy department as we shop for our Godkids.

  9. we may never know what may happen in the future all we do know is that we have to get use to changes
